home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1000 ! this is the code for 64-tel
- 1010 ! that mimics teletext through
- 1020 ! the use of the disk drive
- 1030 !
- 1040 *=$9000,$6000
- 1050 !
- 1060 ! initialise
- 1070 lda #15 ! open ext. sound
- 1080 sta $d418 ! and set up 'beep'
- 1090 lda #100
- 1100 sta $d400
- 1110 sta $d401
- 1120 lda #0
- 1130 sta $d405
- 1140 lda #240
- 1150 sta $d406
- 1160 lda #$20
- 1170 sta $d404
- 1180 lda #$80 ! auto repeat
- 1190 sta 650
- 1200 jsr $e544 ! clear screen
- 1210 lda #0
- 1220 sta $d020
- 1230 sta $d021
- 1240 lda #<title ! display title
- 1250 ldy #>title
- 1260 jsr $ab1e
- 1270 ldx #5 ! date & time input
- 1280 stx di
- 1290 dat lda di
- 1300 asl a
- 1310 tax
- 1320 lda adt,x ! address table
- 1330 ldy adt+1,x
- 1340 jsr $ab1e ! print message
- 1350 jsr ino ! get number input
- 1360 php
- 1370 pha
- 1380 lda #<cl
- 1390 ldy #>cl
- 1400 jsr $ab1e
- 1410 pla
- 1420 plp
- 1430 bcc dt2
- 1440 jmp dat
- 1450 bdc clc ! binary to dec conv.
- 1460 sed
- 1470 lda #0
- 1480 bd1 adc #1
- 1490 dey
- 1500 bne bd1
- 1510 cld
- 1520 rts
- 1530 dt2 ldx di
- 1540 sta dtt,x ! date & time table
- 1550 ldy #152
- 1560 dd1 dex ! delay
- 1570 bne dd1
- 1580 dey
- 1590 bne dd1
- 1600 dec di
- 1610 bpl dat
- 1620 ldx #5 ! set up clock
- 1630 dt3 lda #0
- 1640 ldy dtt,x
- 1650 beq dt5
- 1660 jsr bdc ! bin > dec conv.
- 1670 dt5 sta $dc06,x
- 1680 dex
- 1690 cpx #2
- 1700 bne dt3
- 1710 lda #0
- 1720 sta $dc08
- 1730 lda $dc08
- 1740 sei
- 1750 lda #$7f ! kill timer irq
- 1760 sta $dc0d
- 1770 sta $dd0d
- 1780 lda #<irq ! set up raster int.
- 1790 sta $314
- 1800 lda #>irq
- 1810 sta $315
- 1820 lda #$81
- 1830 sta $d01a
- 1840 lda #57
- 1850 sta $d012
- 1860 lda $d011
- 1870 and #$7f
- 1880 sta $d011
- 1890 cli
- 1900 jmp main ! to main prog.
- 1910 ino jsr gen ! get a digit no.
- 1920 sta ten ! tens
- 1930 jsr gen
- 1940 sta un ! units
- 1950 jsr evn ! evalute no.
- 1960 ldx di
- 1970 sec
- 1980 cmp lmu,x ! upper no. limit
- 1990 bcs in1
- 2000 cmp lml,x
- 2010 bcs in2
- 2020 sec
- 2030 in1 rts
- 2040 in2 clc
- 2050 jmp in1
- 2060 gend jsr $ffe4 ! slightly differ
- 2070 cmp #$30
- 2080 bmi gend
- 2090 cmp #$3a
- 2100 bpl gend
- 2110 pha
- 2120 jmp cgen ! continue
- 2130 gen jsr $ffe4 ! get a keypress
- 2140 cmp #$30
- 2150 bmi gen
- 2160 cmp #$3a ! was it 0 - 9 ?
- 2170 bpl gen
- 2180 pha
- 2190 jsr $e716
- 2200 cgen lda #$21 ! sound 'beep'
- 2210 sta $d404
- 2220 ldy #20
- 2230 gn1 dex
- 2240 bne gn1
- 2250 dey
- 2260 bne gn1
- 2270 lda #$20
- 2280 sta $d404
- 2290 pla
- 2300 sbc #$2f ! asc to real value
- 2310 rts
- 2320 evn lda un
- 2330 ldx ten
- 2340 beq ev2
- 2350 clc
- 2360 ev adc #10
- 2370 dex
- 2380 bne ev
- 2390 ev2 rts
- 2400 title byt 13,142
- 2410 byt "[156]welcome to ...",13
- 2420 byt " [166][166][166] [166] [166] [158] tel ",13
- 2430 byt " [166] [166] [166] ",13
- 2440 byt " [166][166][166][166] [166] [166] [213][201] tel ",13
- 2450 byt " [166] [166] [166][166][166][166][166][166] [202][203] ",13
- 2460 byt " [166] [166] [166] [158] tel ",13
- 2470 byt " [166][166][166] [166] ",13,0
- 2480 cl byt "[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]",0
- 2490 tl byt "[147]",14,"[158]p100 64-tel 23 jan '90 [158]00:00:00 [156] [146]",0
- 2500 mon byt "janfebmaraprmayjunjulaugsepoctnovdec"
- 2510 m0 byt " enter date (01-31) : [157][157]",0
- 2520 m1 byt " enter month (01-12) : [157][157]",0
- 2530 m2 byt " enter year (90-99) : [157][157]",0
- 2540 m3 byt " time seconds (00-59): [157][157]",0
- 2550 m4 byt " time minutes (00-59): [157][157]",0
- 2560 m5 byt " time hours (01-12) : [157][157]",0
- 2570 di byt 0
- 2580 cp byt 0
- 2590 ten byt 0
- 2600 un byt 0
- 2610 lmu byt 32,13,100,60,60,13
- 2620 lml byt 1,1,90,0,0,1
- 2630 adt wor m0,m1,m2,m3,m4,m5
- 2640 dtt byt 0,0,0,0,0,0
- 2650 bam byt 66
- 2660 index byt 100
- 2670 !
- 2680 irq lda $d019
- 2690 sta $d019
- 2700 jmp ir2
- 2710 ire pla
- 2720 tay
- 2730 pla
- 2740 tax
- 2750 pla
- 2760 rti
- 2770 ir2 lda irt ! irq toggle
- 2780 eor #1
- 2790 sta irt
- 2800 tax
- 2810 lda $d018 ! which screen
- 2820 and #15
- 2830 ora wcs,x
- 2840 sta $d018
- 2850 lda irl,x ! next ras. line
- 2860 sta $d012
- 2870 ldy #31
- 2880 srp dey ! slight raster pause
- 2890 bne srp
- 2900 lda irc,x ! screen col?
- 2910 sta $d021
- 2920 dex
- 2930 bne ir3
- 2940 jmp $ea31
- 2950 ir3 lda $7e9 ! flash mode ?
- 2960 bne ir5 ! yes
- 2970 ldx ro
- 2980 bne irr
- 2990 lda #$10
- 3000 jmp irr2
- 3010 irr lda #$20
- 3020 irr2 sta wcs+1
- 3030 jmp ir4
- 3040 ir5 dec fr ! flash rate
- 3050 beq ir6
- 3060 jmp ir4
- 3070 ir6 lda #50
- 3080 sta fr
- 3090 lda wcs+1
- 3100 eor #$30
- 3110 sta wcs+1 ! toggle
- 3120 jmp ir4
- 3130 pb byt $10,$20
- 3140 fr byt 0
- 3150 st byt 0
- 3160 ro byt 0
- 3170 ir4 dec ud ! update delay
- 3180 bne ire
- 3190 lda #10
- 3200 sta ud
- 3210 lda $dc0b
- 3220 and #$7f
- 3230 jsr dsp ! decimal split
- 3240 sta $41b
- 3250 sty $41c ! display clock
- 3260 lda $dc0a
- 3270 jsr dsp
- 3280 sta $41e
- 3290 sty $41f
- 3300 lda $dc09
- 3310 jsr dsp
- 3320 sta $421
- 3330 sty $422
- 3340 lda $dc08
- 3350 ! flash & rest
- 3360 jmp ire
- 3370 dsp pha ! decimal split
- 3380 and #15
- 3390 clc
- 3400 adc #$30
- 3410 tay
- 3420 pla
- 3430 lsr a
- 3440 lsr a
- 3450 lsr a
- 3460 lsr a
- 3470 clc
- 3480 adc #$30
- 3490 rts
- 3500 irt byt 0
- 3510 irc byt 0,0
- 3520 irl byt 55,239
- 3530 wcs byt 16,16
- 3540 ud byt 0
- 3550 main lda #<tl ! top line
- 3560 ldy #>tl
- 3570 jsr $ab1e
- 3580 ldy dtt ! get date
- 3590 jsr bdc
- 3600 jsr dsp
- 3610 sta $40f
- 3620 sty $410
- 3630 ldy dtt+2 ! get year
- 3640 jsr bdc
- 3650 jsr dsp
- 3660 sta $417
- 3670 sty $418
- 3680 lda #0
- 3690 ldx dtt+1 ! get month
- 3700 dex
- 3710 beq mn3
- 3720 clc
- 3730 mn2 adc #3
- 3740 dex
- 3750 bne mn2
- 3760 tax
- 3770 mn3 clc
- 3780 lda mon,x
- 3790 and #$bf
- 3800 sta $412
- 3810 lda mon+1,x
- 3820 and #$bf
- 3830 sta $413
- 3840 lda mon+2,x
- 3850 and #$bf
- 3860 sta $414
- 3870 !
- 3880 ! the following is crucial
- 3890 !
- 3900 lda #$81
- 3910 sta $dc0e
- 3920 ldx #255
- 3930 tax
- 3940 cbm sta $1800,x ! clear bam
- 3950 dex
- 3960 bne cbm
- 3970 lda #0
- 3980 jsr $ff90 ! turn off messages
- 3990 ldx #<bam
- 4000 ldy #>bam ! load page table
- 4010 lda #1
- 4020 jsr d(NULL)
- 4030 ldx #<index ! load main page
- 4040 ldy #>index ! p100 @ $800
- 4050 lda #1
- 4060 jsr d(NULL)
- 4070 lda #8 ! p100 --> $1000
- 4080 ldx #8
- 4090 ldy #$10
- 4100 jsr move
- 4110 jsr sach
- 4120 gk jsr $ffe4
- 4130 cmp #0
- 4140 bne gl
- 4150 sta ro
- 4160 jmp gk
- 4170 gl cmp #$20 ! reveal key?
- 4180 bne gk2
- 4190 lda #1
- 4200 sta ro ! reveal on
- 4210 lm lda $dc01 ! lock mode
- 4220 and #$10
- 4230 beq lm
- 4240 jmp gk
- 4250 gk2 cmp #136 ! cancel?
- 4260 bne chl
- 4270 jmp ent ! end 64-tel
- 4280 chl cmp #80 ! p' pages available
- 4290 bne chk
- 4300 jsr dp ! display pages
- 4310 jmp gk
- 4320 chk cmp #133 ! f1 ?
- 4330 bne ch2
- 4340 jsr stl ! save top line
- 4350 jsr edit ! to editor
- 4360 jsr rtl ! restore
- 4370 jmp gk
- 4380 ch2 cmp #$31 ! '1' ?
- 4390 bne gk
- 4400 ldx $7eb
- 4410 stx cp ! current page
- 4420 jsr f7
- 4430 ldx $7eb
- 4440 cpx cp
- 4450 beq gk ! select same page
- 4460 cpx #100
- 4470 beq ind
- 4480 lda $1800,x ! page exist ?
- 4490 bne ch3
- 4500 ind lda #8
- 4510 ldx #$10
- 4520 ldy #$08
- 4530 jsr move
- 4540 jsr sach ! scn & col handler
- 4550 jmp gk
- 4560 ch3 lda #0
- 4570 sta $7ec
- 4580 ldx #$eb
- 4590 ldy #7
- 4600 lda #1
- 4610 jsr d(NULL)
- 4620 jsr sach
- 4630 jmp gk
- 4640 dp jsr stl
- 4650 jsr $e544 ! display pages
- 4660 lda $7e9 ! store f/r mode
- 4670 sta dtp+1
- 4680 lda #0 ! set reveal mode
- 4690 sta $7e9
- 4700 lda #19 ! home
- 4710 jsr $e716
- 4720 lda #17
- 4730 jsr $e716
- 4740 ldx #100
- 4750 dpl stx dtp
- 4760 lda $1800,x
- 4770 beq dpl2
- 4780 lda #0
- 4790 jsr $bdcd
- 4800 lda #32
- 4810 jsr $e716
- 4820 dpl2 ldx dtp
- 4830 inx
- 4840 cpx #200 ! reached page 200?
- 4850 bne dpl
- 4860 dpl3 jsr $ffe4
- 4870 cmp #0 ! wait for key
- 4880 beq dpl3
- 4890 lda dtp+1
- 4900 sta $7e9
- 4910 jmp sach+3
- 4920 stl ldx #$27
- 4930 st2 lda $400,x
- 4940 sta stt,x
- 4950 lda $d800,x ! save table
- 4960 sta ctt,x
- 4970 dex
- 4980 bpl st2
- 4990 rts
- 5000 dtp byt 0,0
- 5010 stt byt " "
- 5020 ctt byt " "
- 5030 rtl ldx #$27
- 5040 rt2 lda stt,x
- 5050 sta $400,x
- 5060 lda #$60
- 5070 sta $7c0,x
- 5080 lda ctt,x
- 5090 sta $d800,x
- 5100 dex
- 5110 bpl rt2
- 5120 rts
- 5130 sach jsr stl
- 5140 lda #4
- 5150 ldx #8
- 5160 ldy #4
- 5170 jsr move ! copy --> screen
- 5180 lda #4
- 5190 ldx #12
- 5200 ldy #$d8
- 5210 jsr move ! colour --> rom
- 5220 lda #4
- 5230 sta sss+2
- 5240 lda #12
- 5250 sta scc+2
- 5260 ldy #$28
- 5270 scc lda $8000,y
- 5280 and #$80
- 5290 beq sch2
- 5300 lda #$60
- 5310 sss sta $0400,y
- 5320 sch2 iny
- 5330 beq ipp
- 5340 cpy #$e8
- 5350 beq sch3
- 5360 jmp scc
- 5370 ipp inc scc+2 ! inc. pointers
- 5380 inc sss+2
- 5390 jmp scc
- 5400 sch3 lda sss+2
- 5410 cmp #7
- 5420 bne scc
- 5430 lda $be8
- 5440 sta irc+1
- 5450 lda $7ea
- 5460 jsr tlc ! set case
- 5470 jmp rtl
- 5480 !
- 5490 ! this section is the page
- 5500 ! editor program. later on it
- 5510 ! will be added to the main code
- 5520 !
- 5530 !
- 5540 edit lda #19 !home
- 5550 jsr $e716
- 5560 lda #17
- 5570 jsr $e716
- 5580 lda #0
- 5590 sta $7e9 ! auto reveal mode
- 5600 sta $7e8 ! black screen
- 5610 sta $7ea ! lowercase
- 5620 jsr tlc ! to lowercase
- 5630 ed1 lda 214
- 5640 bne ed2 ! cursor on top line?
- 5650 lda #17
- 5660 jmp ed3
- 5670 ed2 sec
- 5680 cmp #24
- 5690 bcc ed4
- 5700 lda #145
- 5710 ed3 jsr $e716
- 5720 ed4 ldy $d3
- 5730 lda ($d1),y
- 5740 eor #$80
- 5750 sta ($d1),y
- 5760 ed4t jsr $ffe4 ! get chars
- 5770 cmp #0
- 5780 bne ed4s
- 5790 ldx #1
- 5800 lme lda $dc01 ! lock mode
- 5810 cmp #223
- 5820 bne lmo
- 5830 stx ro
- 5840 jmp lme
- 5850 lmo dex
- 5860 stx ro
- 5870 jmp ed4t
- 5880 ed4s pha
- 5890 ldy $d3
- 5900 lda ($d1),y
- 5910 eor #$80
- 5920 sta ($d1),y
- 5930 pla
- 5940 cmp #133 ! f1 ?
- 5950 bpl ed6
- 5960 ed5 jsr $e716
- 5970 jmp ed1
- 5980 ed6 cmp #141 ! f8 ?
- 5990 bpl ed5
- 6000 sec
- 6010 sbc #133
- 6020 asl a
- 6030 tax
- 6040 jsr fm ! function message
- 6050 lda dvt,x ! dispatch vector
- 6060 ldy dvt+1,x ! table
- 6070 sta ed7+1
- 6080 sty ed7+2
- 6090 ed7 jsr $8000
- 6100 nop
- 6110 jmp ed1
- 6120 fm lda mvt,x ! message vector
- 6130 sta pku+1 ! pick up char.
- 6140 lda mvt+1,x
- 6150 sta pku+2
- 6160 ldy #0
- 6170 pku lda $8000,y
- 6180 beq fme ! end
- 6190 cmp #$40
- 6200 bmi pk2
- 6210 sec
- 6220 sbc #$40
- 6230 pk2 sta $7c0,y
- 6240 lda #4
- 6250 sta $dbc0,y
- 6260 iny
- 6270 jmp pku
- 6280 fme rts
- 6290 mvt wor x1,x3,x5,x7,x2,x4,x6,x8
- 6300 x1 byt "return to 64-tel ",0
- 6310 x2 byt "change screen colour ",0
- 6320 x3 byt "toggle upper/lowercase ",0
- 6330 x4 byt "removing page from disk ",0
- 6340 x5 byt "toggle flash/reveal ",0
- 6350 x6 byt "saving page to disk ",0
- 6360 x7 byt "new page number ",0
- 6370 x8 byt "screen copied to ram ",0
- 6380 dvt wor f1,f3,f5,f7,f2,f4,f6,f8
- 6390 jmp ed1 ! checks later
- 6400 !
- 6410 ! move blocks of memory
- 6420 !
- 6430 move cmp #0
- 6440 bne mv1
- 6450 rts
- 6460 mv1 stx mv2+2
- 6470 sty mv2+5
- 6480 tax
- 6490 ldy #0
- 6500 mv2 lda $8000,y
- 6510 sta $8000,y
- 6520 iny
- 6530 bne mv2
- 6540 inc mv2+2
- 6550 inc mv2+5
- 6560 dex
- 6570 bne mv2
- 6580 rts
- 6590 !
- 6600 ! function key routines
- 6610 !
- 6620 f1 pla ! return to 64-tel
- 6630 pla
- 6640 rts
- 6650 f2 inc irc+1 ! colour change
- 6660 lda irc+1
- 6670 sta $7e8
- 6680 rts
- 6690 f3 lda $7ea ! change case
- 6700 eor #1
- 6710 sta $7ea
- 6720 tlc tax
- 6730 lda bc,x
- 6740 jmp $e716
- 6750 bc byt 14,142
- 6760 f5 lda $7e9 ! flash/reveal mode
- 6770 eor #1
- 6780 sta $7e9
- 6790 rts
- 6800 f7 lda #$60 ! new page no.
- 6810 sta $402
- 6820 sta $403
- 6830 lda #$31
- 6840 sta $401
- 6850 jsr gend
- 6860 sta ten
- 6870 clc
- 6880 adc #$30
- 6890 sta $402
- 6900 jsr gend
- 6910 sta un
- 6920 clc
- 6930 adc #$30
- 6940 sta $403
- 6950 jsr evn
- 6960 clc
- 6970 adc #100
- 6980 sta $7eb
- 6990 rts
- 7000 f8 lda #4 ! scrn --> copy
- 7010 ldx #4
- 7020 ldy #$08
- 7030 jmp move
- 7040 f6 jsr f4
- 7050 ldx #4
- 7060 f6e lda $7e8,x ! essentials
- 7070 sta $be8,x
- 7080 dex
- 7090 bpl f6e
- 7100 lda #4 ! save page to disk
- 7110 sta f6s+2
- 7120 lda #8
- 7130 sta f6c+2
- 7140 lda #$0c
- 7150 sta f6t+2
- 7160 lda #$d8
- 7170 sta f6r+2
- 7180 ldy #0
- 7190 f6s lda $8000,y ! get colour
- 7200 f6c cmp $8000,y ! any match
- 7210 php
- 7220 f6r lda $8000,y
- 7230 and #15
- 7240 plp
- 7250 beq f6t
- 7260 ora #$80
- 7270 f6t sta $8000,y
- 7280 iny
- 7290 bne f6s
- 7300 inc f6s+2
- 7310 inc f6c+2
- 7320 inc f6t+2
- 7330 inc f6r+2
- 7340 lda f6s+2
- 7350 cmp #8
- 7360 bne f6s
- 7370 tax
- 7380 lda #1
- 7390 ldy #255
- 7400 jsr $ffba
- 7410 ldx $beb
- 7420 stx dnam+2
- 7430 ldx #<dnam
- 7440 ldy #>dnam
- 7450 lda #3
- 7460 jsr $ffbd
- 7470 ldx #$f5
- 7480 ldy #$0f
- 7490 lda #0
- 7500 sta $fb
- 7510 lda #$08
- 7520 sta $fc
- 7530 lda #$fb
- 7540 jsr $ffd8 ! save $800 - $1000
- 7550 ldx $beb
- 7560 lda #$ff
- 7570 sta $1800,x ! this page filled
- 7580 lda $7eb ! new index page ?
- 7590 cmp #100
- 7600 bne nni ! no
- 7610 lda #8
- 7620 ldx #$8
- 7630 ldy #$10
- 7640 jsr move
- 7650 nni rts
- 7660 dnam byt "@:x"
- 7670 f4 ldx $7eb ! scratch a 64-tel
- 7680 ! page
- 7690 lda $1800,x ! does page exist?
- 7700 bne f41
- 7710 rts
- 7720 f41 lda #0
- 7730 sta $1800,x ! page now free
- 7740 stx com+3
- 7750 lda #4
- 7760 ldy #>com
- 7770 ldx #<com
- 7780 jsr $ffbd ! "@s0:x"
- 7790 lda #15
- 7800 ldx #8
- 7810 ldy #15
- 7820 jsr $ffba ! setlfs
- 7830 jsr $ffc0 ! send disk command
- 7840 lda #15
- 7850 jsr $ffc3 ! close file
- 7860 rts
- 7870 com byt "s0:a"
- 7880 d(NULL) jsr $ffbd ! disk load
- 7890 ldx #8
- 7900 lda #1
- 7910 ldy #255
- 7920 jsr $ffba
- 7930 lda #0
- 7940 jmp $ffd5
- 7950 ent ldx #8 ! end of 64-tel
- 7960 lda #1
- 7970 ldy #255
- 7980 jsr $ffba
- 7990 ldx #66
- 8000 stx dnam+2
- 8010 ldx #<dnam
- 8020 ldy #>dnam
- 8030 lda #3
- 8040 jsr $ffbd
- 8050 ldx #$f5
- 8060 ldy #$18
- 8070 lda #0
- 8080 sta $fb
- 8090 lda #$18
- 8100 sta $fc
- 8110 lda #$fb
- 8120 jsr $ffd8 ! save $1800 - $1900
- 8130 lda #0
- 8140 sta $7e9
- 8150 jmp $e544